Помогите пожалуйста вставить артикли. 

1. My uncle was operated yesterday. He is still in ... hospital. I\'m going to ... hospital to see him.
2. ... life will be very different in ... future.
3. ... villages-in this part of ... country near ... Thames are very beautiful.
4. ... Nightingales belonged to ... highest social class of ... England.
5. What do you call ... people of ... China? - ... Chinese
6. ... man must do everything possible to save ...environment and ... life on ... planet of Earth.
7. ... English language was brouth onto ... British Isles in ... middle of ... fifth century by ... Angles, Saxons and Jutes who came there from ... North of ... Germany.
8. Near ... British Museum you can see the tall building of ... University of London.
9. ... Statue of Librerty was ... gift of friendship from ... France to ... Unites States. 
2 (12 оценок)
anime2 11 лет назад
Светило науки - 3 ответа - 12 раз оказано помощи
1. x,the . 2x,x 3. the, the, x 4.the,the,x 5. x,x,the 6.a,the,the,x 7.the,the,the,the,x,the,x (x-ничего не ставится)

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