Read the text and complete the gaps with the derivatives of the words in brackets.
The currency of Russia … (be) ruble. The ruble was also a national currency in the USSR and the Russian Empire. One ruble … (consist) of 100 kopecks. The ruble is the … (old) national currency in the world after the British pound. In Russia, the ruble … (use) since the 13th century.
There are a lot of versions of the origin of the word “ruble”. According to most of them, it was derived from the Russian verb “rubit” (to cut/chop).
… (late), the term became the official name of Russian currency.
The Bolshoi Theatre is pictured on both sides of the 100-ruble banknote. It is one of Moscow’s most symbolic attractions. Repeatedly hit by fire, the theatre is considered one of the … (great) and … (old) ballet and opera … (company) in the world.
5 (1 оценка)
veronika25072017 2 года назад
Светило науки - 32 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. is

2. consists

3. oldest

4. has been used

5. Later

6. greatest

7. the oldest

8. companies

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