Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1) If you touch a hot frying pan, you ... (to burn) your finger.

2) Helen could live by herself if she ... (to be) older.
3) When water ... (to boil), it produces steam.
4) If the bus arrived half an hour earlier, we ... (to be) in time for the seminar.
5) Nora ...(to be) surprised if Gordon brought her a bouquet of flowers.
5) Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past
Continuous, thePast Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) The boys ... (to play) volleyball on the beach yesterday.
2) They ... (to play) volleyball from 9 to 11 yesterday morning.
3) By 5 o’clock yesterday their team ... (to play) two games of volleyball.
4) Den ... (to play) volleyball for ten minutes yesterday when he suddenly ... (to twist) his ankle.
5) At that time Ron ... (to listen) to music in his room and ... (not to hear) the doorbell.
5 (1 оценка)
bars314 3 года назад
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1) burned

2) was

3) boils

4) will be

5) will be


1) played

2) played

3) will play

4) played, twisted

5) was listening, did not hear    


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